A message from Ken

2011 April 23

Created by susan stannard 8 years ago
Colin....MY HERO Oh Colin, you've left me now... a big hole in my life that can't be filled....nor should it be...it's where you once were, once belonged, and will always be welcome. So the gap doesn't need filling...with what or by who? A man's man, a long-time friend, a surrogate 'uncle' to Jo, Pete and Martin, so clever, considered, unassuming, modest, who will ever know the extent of your imprint on this world and my life ? Who knows how as a brilliant junior office engineer, you were asked to represent your company when they needed expertise to win contracts...over and above other far more senior staff members.? Your stammer should have stopped you, but you loved your work and against all challenges, you did it...even surprised yourself. Who knows this giant of a man grew prize winning blooms..dahlias or was it chrysanthemums, and exhibited in flower shows.... do let me know which it was, Colin. An avid cyclist, long before the keep-fit brigade discovered it..a train enthusiast who got his Hythe's muddled up and travelled the length of the country to ask in Hythe, Hampshire, where the narrow guage railway was...err, 150 miles east of here..Hythe in Kent...glad you were human too, Colin. Designed and built a unique dinghy for 'something to do'... built his beloved Gigha Mist and loved and sailed her for nearly 40 years. The fun we had...France, Channel Islands, even Poole, Dartmouth and Weymouth..... never let us down , did she? ..... well not much. ! Nothing thwarted you..making, fixing, welding and even woodworking later, plus your excellent cooking. Your sports included skiing, squash, a keep fit regime of walking and swimming. Such a sensible man, always. What a brilliant and unappreciated Patent you designed..... I kept the plans and details for years...just couldn't bring myself to throw them all away as you had, 30 years earlier, it was too brilliant. Everything you undertook was resolute, detailed, planned, invariably successful. Didn't finish the steel boat .. doesn't matter Colin. It would have been a massive undertaking even for you. Cantankerous, obstinate, no time for beaurocracy or politicians, you always spoke your mind, said your piece, take it or leave it. Who would have thought this man always wanted to be a 'cowboy' ?!! ... always wanted to fly...Colin you did it, well done. Yes, you took some people for granted but they stuck by you and supported you because you were special. But what do I do now, Colin ? You've upped sticks and gone. My heart is heavy and yes, these tears are for you, although you would want them..'don't be so daft' I can hear you say even now. End of an era, end of a life so rich and full, end of a friend ?..no way. Just a big gap left, reserved for you, mate. I know you will visit it time and again. Just a lovely thought away...not much difference than Tuscon and Hayling Island, I guess....known,, loved, and respected, but not seen because of the distance. Don't ever go too far away will you? Thank you, MY HERO. Ken.